Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tropical Storm ~ Hurrcaine Alex

About 2 weeks ago the meteorologists were not real concerned about this low pressure system but they kept their eyes on it. & what do u know. It comes in to the Caribbean & into the gulf & now they are saying that it will become or could become a hurricane before it makes landfall & that’s all we need with that oil spoil but luckily its steering far away from it. So I don’t think it will spread any farther than it is already doing.

I would really like to post better maps like the ones on but for some reason i do not know how to in the new draft posting in blogger. So here are some maps that i have found.
I heard when i was driving into work that the (now) tropical storm will become a hurricane but not a CAT 1 BUT a CAT2!!!
Where is a really cool website that i myself just found! its totally cool! : Storm Pulse
These two maps below are continuously updated on the current weather conditions :
Visible Statllite Image of Hurrcaine Alex

Projected Path of Hurrciane Alex

 Tropical Storm alex 7 hrs before becoming a Hurricane CAT1

Here is map of the projected path of the hurricane.